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"A breeder is at once an artist and a scientist.

It takes an artist to envision and to recognize excellence

and a scientist to build what the artist's eye desires"  ~unknown


They're here!

Reveille x Bubbles Puppies

Arrived 11/9/2014

click here for more information





We would be happy to refer you to rescue or another reputable breeder that does have puppies available.

A reputable breeder puts an incredible amount of devotion, time, expense, and so much more into their breedings.  We breed selectively and very sparingly to produce a Dane that is sound in temperament, health, conformation,  and longevity.   





Past Litters

Wachuka  x  Deva





For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen.    Romans 11:36 

Content of this website belongs to Omega Danes and may not be used without permission.